kadeer baig interview at SolarAcademy

Transforming Solar Trade: An Interview with SolarAcademy

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SolarAcademy is a platform that enables property owners, local solar and advanced energy contractors, developers, financiers and other professionals to meet to advance their...

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solar surge interview sunhub coo kadeer beg

Revolutionizing Solar Commerce: Kadeer Beg Discusses the Sunhub Trader Platform with Joe Ordia and Solar Surge

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Kadeer Beg discusses the innovative Sunhub Trader platform with Joe Ordia and Solar Surge, detailing how it's revolutionizing solar commerce and energy trading.

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solar quotes made easy

How to Create a Quote and Lock in Your Price on the Solar Trader Platform

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When purchasing solar equipment and overseeing installations, solar installers, EPCs and other buyers understand the importance of efficiency and precision. Delays in procurement can...

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A New Engagement Model For Solar Suppliers

Sunhub Solar Trader Platform: A New Engagement Model For Solar Suppliers 

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Explore Sunhub's Solar Trader platform, reshaping solar supplier engagement with a novel model for enhanced collaboration and efficiency.

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sunhub enabling overseas solar suppliers

How U.S.-Based Sunhub is Using its Solar Trader Platform to Open Doors for Overseas Solar Suppliers 

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Discover how Sunhub's Solar Trader platform is revolutionizing solar procurement by connecting U.S. buyers with overseas suppliers.

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Solar Trading With Chat-Based Intelligence

How Sunhub’s Solar Trader Platform is using chat-based intelligence to break through the industry’s most common trading obstacles

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Discover how Sunhub's Solar Trader Platform leverages chat-based intelligence to overcome trading obstacles in the solar industry. Learn more now!

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Streamline solar trading process

Streamline Your Solar Trading Process With Solar Trader Platform’s Built-In Helper Tools

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Imagine transforming how you sell solar equipment online in a landscape where complexities and inefficiencies often overshadow opportunities.  The Solar Trader Platform cuts through...

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How Sunhub's Solar Trader Platform Streamlines the Online Solar Buying Process

How Sunhub’s Solar Trader Platform Streamlines the Online Solar Buying Process

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As the solar industry expands at a dizzying pace, procuring equipment has become increasingly complex.  Buyers get caught up in time-consuming and frustrating procurement...

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ev chargers quick and easy guide

The Quick and Easy Guide to Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers

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In an era where sustainability is becoming a necessity rather than a choice, electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining significant traction. This quick and easy...

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ptc vs itc

How the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) Compares with the Production Tax Credit (PTC)?

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At some point early in the buying process, our customers are bound to ask us about financial incentives. If they don’t bring it up,...

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The Ultimate Guide to DIY Solar Installation Planning

The Ultimate Guide to DIY Solar Installation Planning

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If you’ve ever dreamt of powering your home with clean, renewable energy, a DIY solar installation might be just the project for you.  In...

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a guide to solar connectors

A Guide to Solar Connectors

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Today, we’re discussing the unsung heroes in the solar industry: solar connectors.  Most of the recognition in solar goes to the panels: their power,...

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give your backyard a boost with a solar shed

Give Your Backyard a Boost With a Solar Shed

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Solar energy is the world’s top choice in the quest for sustainable and eco-friendly living.  A new trend is gaining momentum among solar enthusiasts-...

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how to install solar panels

How to Install Solar Panels – DIY Guide

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So, you’re thinking about DIYing your next solar project?  DIYing a solar panel installation is a great way to reduce costs and better understand...

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US Solar Panel Manufacturers

Better Know a Manufacturer: U.S. Solar Panel Manufacturers

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Welcome back to Better Know a Manufacturer, a piece where we look at the manufacturers shaping the solar industry’s future. Our previous installment focused...

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solar panel size guide

Solar Panel Size Guide

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One oft-overlooked element of the solar buying process is the dimensions of the panels. Size and weight of solar panels affect installation costs, safety...

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how to read solar panel spec sheet

The Ultimate Guide To Reading a Solar Panel Spec Sheet

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Spec sheets (or datasheets) can easily slip past customers during the buying process. While conversations with a sales rep, product summaries, and quotes provide...

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Types of Solar Batteries - Pros & Cons

Types of Solar Batteries & Their Pro’s and Con’s

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Need more information about solar batteries?  We have what you’re looking for!  This blog post will show you how to use solar batteries for...

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tier 1 solar panels

What Tier 1 Solar Panels Mean in Solar Industry?

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Have you come across the term ‘Tier 1 solar panels’ as you work on your solar project? What about Tiers 2 and 3?  Tiering...

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all black solar panels

Are you considering all-black solar panels?

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Interested in purchasing a solar panel system but can’t seem to settle on the right style?  We like all-black panels, and we think you...

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refurbished solar panels

User Guide to Buying Refurbished Solar Panels and Inverters

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Between an increasing amount of tax credits and rebates, net metering, and solar loans, there are plenty of financial incentives for businesses and residential customers...

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solar panel manufacturing

Better Know a Manufacturer: North American Solar Manufacturers That are Shaping the Industry

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Welcome to Better Know a Manufacturer, a piece where we take a closer look at the manufacturers that have had the greatest impact on...

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Future of Bifacial Solar Panels (1)

What the Future Holds for Bifacial Solar Modules

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They say there are two sides to every story.  At Sunhub, two-sided solar panels, also known as bifacial solar modules, have an interesting backstory....

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What is Capacity Factor (1)

What is capacity factor and how can I use it to determine the value of my solar investment?

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At Sunhub, we understand that not everybody reading our blog is an electrical engineer or an expert in solar. For that reason, we think...

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